Kids vs. Aliens

UpperHorrorNew filmSci-fi

The filmmaker behind cult classics Treevenge and Hobo with a Shotgun has turned his V/H/S/2 segment into a full-blown feature! But while in Hobo with a Shotgun Jason Eisener dealt with the autumn years of life, his newest film Kids vs. Aliens focuses on the joyful years of boyhood. All the important bits are right there in the name: there are kids, there are aliens, and they fight (on Halloween night af all nights). It is boisterous, obnoxious and grotesque, filtering the coming-of-age journey through a grindhouse aesthetic. Or think of a more perverse version of Stranger Things, with noticeably more foul-mouthed protagonists and considerably more disgusting antagonists. And we have a feeling this is going to be a new Halloween classic. Don’t miss the post-credit scene.

Fri 31.03.2023 / 18:30
Děcka proti emzákům
Cinema Scala / Brno
Minimum age: 15+
English / Czech subtitles
Mon 06.03.2023 / 20:30
Děcka proti emzákům
Cinema Aero / Prague
Minimum age: 15+
English / Czech subtitles